Harlequin floors for Skånes Dansteater
Skånes Dansteater’s new production of children’s classic Carnival of the Animals premieres in Falkenberg, Sweden on 29th February 2020.

© Lars Kroon
The contemporary dance company based in Malmö, Sweden has created a unique interpretation of Camille Saint-Saën’s classical masterpiece. A dance experience for children ages 9-11 by choreographer Marcos Morau and featuring Silvia Delagneau’s fantastical costumes and set.

© Lars Kroon
A special commission for the new production was bespoke printed on Harlequin’s performance vinyl dance floor.

© Lars Kroon
Additionally, Skånes Dansteater have had a further 435m2 of Harlequin Reversible vinyl performance surfaces installed in two rehearsal studios and on stage at the theatre.

© Lars Kroon
Carnival of the Animals is a co-production with Dansamverkan Sydsverige.
Tour 2020 Sweden, Denmark
Falkhallen, Falkenberg, February 29th
Region Theatre, Växjö, March 21st
The Train Stalls, Karlshamn, March 28th
Cultural House Spira, Jönköping, April 5th
Skåne Dansteater, April 25th, April 29th, 6-10th May
Opera Takkelloftet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22nd-23rd May