
Prix jury talk to Harlequin Floors

02 février 2018

At the Prix de Lausanne 2018, Harlequin Floors talked to the President of the jury Ted Brandsen, artistic director of Het National Ballet Netherlands and Nina Ananiashvili, jury vice-president and artistic director State Ballet of Georgia. They offered their sage advice to all the dancers participating in this year’s competition and discussed the importance of Harlequin Floors for dancers health.

Ted Brandsen explained “We have equipped our stage floors and studios with Harlequin sprung and vinyl floors to minimise the risk of injury. We even take the floors on tour. We provide physiotherapists, osteopaths and Pilates classes. Not all companies are lucky enough to have so many resources.”

Nina Ananiashvili concurred, “Regarding physical health, when I lived in Russia, we danced on very hard floors and were often injured. When on tour, I discovered that there were floors specifically designed for dance – it was a revelation. Today at the State Ballet of Georgia, we also have Harlequin sprung and vinyl floors, and it makes a huge difference. Quality floors should be part of the minimum equipment of any dance studio.”