
The One Dance UK Awards 2019

11 novembre 2019

The One Dance UK Awards recognise the inspirational work of the many talented and committed professionals working in the dance sector today. Harlequin were the proud sponsors of this event and two of the awards, including Lifetime Achievement Award in Dance Education & Participation and The Jane Attenborough Award For Outstanding Contribution to the Dance Industry.

The Lifetime Achievement Award in Dance Education & Participation award is for an individual who has been making a difference to 100s of children and young people whilst working in dance education (in or out of school) for over 20 years. The nomination criteria for this award is for people who have been teaching dance or developing opportunities for children and young people to dance through-out their lives. The Jane Attenborough Award For Outstanding Contribution to the Dance Industry aims to highlight the important, but often unacknowledged, contributions made by exceptional individuals who make a real difference to how dance is created, supported and seen. The individuals shortlisted for this award were nominated for going above and beyond the call of duty to move dance forward and enable the art form to thrive. These individuals, through their knowledge, skill and generosity, have made a significant contribution to dance beyond the scope of their usual role.

The annual celebration marked the excellent work of dance artists, teachers, practitioners, educators, schools, choreographers, companies, venues, scientists and writers who contribute to the dance sector throughout the UK.

The exceptional work of many talented professionals deserves to be recognised and celebrated nationally and the One Dance Awards created an opportunity for shortlisted nominees and award recipients to shine brightly amongst their peers.

The awardees are as follows:

The Greater Manchester Award
Company Chameleon

Outstanding Primary Dance Teaching Award
Jacqui Burrows

Outstanding Secondary Dance Teaching Award
Gillian Lenton

Rising Star Award (Dance Teaching)
Kieran Warner

Dance Advocacy Award
Magpie Dance

Inspirational Community Dance Practitioner Award
Jennie Hale

Inspirational Work in Education Award
ACE Dance and Music

Inspirational Lecturer at College, University or Conservatoire Award
Khyle Eccles (Trinity Laban)

Most Supportive Senior Leader or Governor Award
Billy Downie, The Streetly Academy

Dance Healthcare Practitioner Award
Jody Morgan

Dance Healthcare Team Award
Physical Support Team at London Contemporary Dance School

Research in Dance – Impact Award
Professor Angela Pickard

Dance Science Award
Professor Emma Redding

Outstanding Dance Programming Award
Eckhard Thiemann (The Lowry)

Innovation in Dance Award
North East Dance Cooperative

Dance Writing Award
Sanjoy Roy

Dance on Screen – Impact Award
Scottish Ballet

Best Use of Dance by a Brand
Tesco: DanceBeats

People’s Choice Award
Javier Torres

Dance Personality of the Year Award (sponsored by The Place)
Andrew Self

Lifetime Achievement Award in Dance of the African Diaspora (Supported By Derrick Anderson)
Funmi Adewole

Lifetime Achievement Award in South Asian Dance (Sponsored by Akademi South Asian Dance)
Chitraleka Bolar

Lifetime Achievement Award in Dance Education & Participation
Sujata Banerjee

The Jane Attenborough Award
Roger Wolman

Congratulations to all the winners from everyone at Harlequin.