
Harlequin founder Bob Dagger turns 80 today


In the 1970s, Bob Dagger founded Harlequin Floors.

Bob Dagger in Cascais

Bob is still involved with Harlequin’s day to day business

As a handsome young man, Bob took the company from success to success. More than 40 years on, Harlequin has turned from a small family business into a global operation with offices in Europe, the USA, Hong Kong and Australia.

Bob Dagger

Clark Gable who?

Keeping his mischievous, youthful spirit to this day, it is fair to describe Bob as a handsome young man with more experience. We’re very happy that even at 80, Bob is still involved in the company as our Chairman.

Bob, we wish you the happiest of birthdays!

Bob Dagger dressed up

Over the years, there have been many occasions to celebrate, some with elaborate costumes

Group photo showing some of the Harlequin family

A small part of the Harlequin global family