澳洲芭蕾舞團 (Australian Ballet)

“I’m so grateful Harlequin were involved in the development of this idea. The theme of the work was to be about repair and the Japanese art of Kintsugi. The belief that an object, by being repaired becomes more beautiful because of the repair. We created a concept for a floor that becomes a backdrop. The floor would look like smashed concrete and we would use the cracks to separate dancers from each other to signify breaking. Then as the floor moved we would see industry, represented by a golden mirror, the idea that we are all responsible for our own repair. The final state would be transformation – making something ordinary become extraordinary. Harlequin were along for the ride – whatever it took to make it work. It was a great experience – a highlight of my nearly thirty years of working in this industry” John Buswell Set and Lighting Designer The Australian Ballet
“我很感激 Harlequin 參與了項目前期時的構思。工作的主題是關於修復和日本的金繼(Kintsugi)藝術。相信物體通過修復會變得更加美麗。 我們創造了一個地板作為背景的概念。地板看起來像被砸碎的混凝土,我們會用裂縫將舞者彼此分開來表示破碎。然後隨著地板的移動,我們會看到用金色鏡子表示的工業 ,我們都對自己的維修的部分負責。最終狀態將是轉型——讓平凡的東西變得不平凡。Harlequin一路相伴—— 一直付出努力讓它發揮作用。這是一次很美好的經驗—— 也是我在這個行業工作了近三十年的亮點” John Buswell 佈景和燈光設計師 澳洲芭蕾舞團

“Harlequin 竭盡所能讓它發揮作用”
Jon Buswell Set and Lighting Designer "Aurum" The Australian Ballet